Society lied to us.

The number one regret of the dying is that they wished they had the courage to live a life true to them and not what others expected. It's not our fault, almost from birth we're taught to conform and that we aren't good enough. When was the last time you stopped and thought about what YOU actually wanted?

Emotion plus information equals a long term memory.

We create emotions of surprise, curiosity, and excitement by giving gifts to complete strangers with the information that YOU DECIDE...

YOU DECIDE who you become.

YOU DECIDE how you want to live. 

YOU DECIDE what makes you happy.

We teach people who have DECIDED to live life on their terms how to create new habits that stick, without needing crazy willpower.

There’s this little known thing corporations keep from us that makes us act how they want and we don’t even notice; it’s called influence psychology. And when you learn how to use it when creating new habits, you’ll see a huge jump in your discipline without even trying. Change your habits, change your life.

Want to see how it works?