Our Story

There is a quote from author Fyodor Dostoyevsky that reads, "The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison." THIS WAS ME, and I think it’s millions of others around the world. We get bombarded almost from birth by the message that we aren’t good enough. We aren’t good enough unless we buy this product, look this way, or have this certain amount of money or status, and it’s a complete lie.

When I woke up to the fact that I had limitless potential and it was up to me to reach it, it changed my life. My name is Emile Gaudet, I’m 39 years old from Prince Edward Island, Canada. I have two wonderful children named John (8) and Tessa (6), I’m married to my best friend Krista, and I have two old rotties named Genie and Andre.

I’m starting Give Bliss as a purpose project for one big reason. Almost my whole life I didn’t believe I was good enough to go after what I wanted, I believed I was only good enough to JUST get by. Just pass this test, just graduate school, just get into whatever postsecondary program will take me, just find a job, just do enough and follow society's game plan of school, job, house, marriage, kids, work, and retirement. That’s the path I was on which led to crushing debt, living to pay bills, and burnout. Then COVID happened…

The world was on lockdown, and we were stuck at home for a loooooong time. Home was work, school, daycare, and some days - pure chaos. I’m an introvert and need time alone to recharge. To get time alone, I’d go for walks in the woods behind our house in the country. Out there, I had nothing but time, nature, and my thoughts. I kept returning to the thought and feeling that something was missing from my life, I wasn’t fulfilled, but I couldn’t put my finger on it then I stumbled across someone who would change my life forever… Jim Kwik.

This guy started showing up on my social media, and he had a book coming out in a couple of weeks on how to learn called "Limitless." I preordered it, and when I got it in the mail, I couldn’t put it down. I followed every step in the book, took notes, and thought about how I could apply the lessons. I had over 30 pages of notes, and I could recall them all. I started using those same learning strategies reading about other subjects I was interested in. I became obsessed with learning and had a newfound confidence in myself as well as in my abilities; like the title of the book, I felt limitless, as did the possibilities I had in my imagination. For 3 years, I’ve absorbed hundreds of hours of books, videos, podcasts, and training. I learned as much as I could about habits, psychology, coaching, development, philosophy, listening, and public speaking. Anything I could get my hands on to better myself and take charge of my life.

One night as I was in bed trying to get to sleep, the idea for the Give Bliss YouTube channel came to me like a lightning bolt. I jumped out of bed; I was so fired up, it resonated with me hard. That brings me to right now. I’m starting a new path shining a light on the truth - you have more potential than you can even imagine, and if you decide to try and reach it… I’d love to help you on your journey.